AIOU Soft Books 2024 PDF Download | All Programs

If you are an AIOU student and don’t know how to download AIOU softbooks PDF? Then don’t worry, in this post we will guide you completely. You can easily download any program in PDF file, regardless of the program you are studying. Until you receive your hardbooks from AIOU, you can continue your study with these PDF softbooks.

In this website AIOU.Com.PK, you can also download AIOU Solved Assignments of all programs.

AIOU Soft Books PDF Download All Programs

How to download aiou soft books pdf?

  1. Open Google Chrome: First, open Google Chrome on your mobile or computer.
  2. Search for “AIOU softbooks”: In the search bar, type “AIOU softbooks” and press enter.
  3. Click on the first link: Click on the first result that appears.
  4. Visit the official website: You will be directed to the official website ( Here, you can search for your desired programs and books.
  5. Download the soft books: From the website, you can download all the AIOU softbooks for your programs.
How to download aiou soft books pdf

Why AIOU Books Problem Increase?

Allama Iqbal Open University is one of the top universities in Pakistan and every year thousands of students take admission in it. So it is a little difficult to deliver books to all the students as soon as possible. For example, if a student selects some subjects in each course. We will mention that thousands of students apply for admission every year. This means that it is AIOU responsible to deliver the book to every student at their homes. Due to this, many students wait for their books but due to this they do not receive the books within time. To solve this problem, AIOU has uploaded the soft books of each program on its official website. Due to which students can easily continue their study even without hard books.

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